Isaiah 58 - Reflection

During my Freedom-Fast on June 9th, while reading Isaiah 58 The Lord revealed something interesting to me. Purity of heart leads to purity of action and leads to a successful fast which God recognizes and honors. We can't live like heathens and have a broken and contrite heart at the same time. In 1 Samuel 15:22 it states that obedience is better than sacrifice. Our daily lives of selflessness, humility to God, love for one another, and discipline, are what allow us the privilege to fast.

Cain and Able sacrificed diligently but Cain's heart wasn't right before God and it manifested itself with the killing of his brother. The acceptance of Cain's sacrifice started with the heart, not the sacrifice itself. We should take the time to examine our daily lives as well as make applicable the standard for Christ-like living for our fast to be recognized and succeed. 

To read the full Isaiah 58 Study by Angelo & Jody Pearson II, Click Here.


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