One thought on “James 1:2-8”

One thought on “James 1:2-8”

One of the main ingredients to God advancing us is us not having a clue. You aren’t suppose to have a clue as to why things are happening all the time. James 1:2-8 is clear on many things. The most clear of all is that when God is trying to advance you, your greatest weapon against what you are going through is asking the Lord for wisdom on how to deal with it. 

We have no excuse to fail. We have no excuse to let the situation overtake us besides the fact that we are to lazy to…fight, and we want everything easy. Verse 2 says, ” My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptation.” Why would a person do that, it sounds foolish?! … 

It’s actually pretty easy, there can only be one logical explanation. God is trying to advance you. He is trying to give you more. God is trying to answer our prayers. Look at what the trying of our faith does: worketh patience, then patience will have her perfect work, “ye,” “you,” “us,” may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing….. 

Then, because God wants us to succeed so bad, He says “if you lack wisdom ask Him for it, He’ll help you defeat the temptation/problems, and ask not wavering, but believe. So in all actuality we should look forward to problems! Instead we get mad about them and lash out. We ask God for things, then when He tries to give them to us we get mad about it. All He ask us to do is have a good attitude about it and ask Him how to deal with it.


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