A Lighthouse

Storms surround raging and thrashing, hiding all light. Darkness engulfs hope of survival. Certain death is all that can be seen as the waves toss and beat relentlessly against the boat. Panic and fear spread ramped. Hopelessness and defeat has set in as passengers prepare to accept their fate. Then off in the distance, they see a shimmer of light, a glimmer of hope, and they set their course to shore.

You are that house that shines the light to those lost in raging storms. You stand tall and strong in storm after storm, calling to those who are lost and drowning offering them safety. You help heal and restore life, as well as give hope, joy, and love.

When people ask how you can continue to shine your light, you point to the sky. My strength and my light comes from the Lord. He is my strength and is my light. It is He who shines through me. You tell them stories and show them scars from the storms The Lord carried you through. A tear rolls down your cheek as you share of His forgiveness, grace, and love.

A smile crosses your face, and with a twinkle of excitement in your eyes you ask them if they want to have this light as well. You explain how with this light they will never have to struggle through or fear the storms again. You introduce them to your Father, who has saved you and brought you through countless storms. You explain the storms still come, but there is no struggle because your Father has defeated death. He has given us victory and they too can shine a light and stand victorious.


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